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9 Things That Help You Considering Dynamic Balancing Machines

Article Source: Jp Balancing Machine      Time:2017-06-17
In modern industry, in order to reduce the vibration of rotating machinery, to improve the working speed and prolong the service life of the work piece, it is necessary to eliminate the dynamic unbalance of the rotating work piece due to the need for dynamic balance test and the differences of rotating work pieces’ variety, shape, weight, bearing, and the dynamic balance precision are also different. Therefore, in the rotation of the work piece, dynamic balance test must be based on the characteristics of the rotor by selecting the appropriate balancing machine. First of all, full analysis will help in balancing machines selection about calibrating rotating work piece structure, use, and dynamic balance requirements, working speed, bearing conditions, transmission and other aspects of understanding. In summary, these are 9 basics for the selection of dynamic balancing machines.
1. General dynamic balancing machine VS special dynamic balancing machine.
For the general balance of the work piece, such as motor rotor, its shape, the form of support are more regular. The purpose of balance. General dynamic balancing machines are used two-plane, polar coordinates instructions. So for such a rotor should use the general dynamic balancing machines. Another type of rotor, the crankshaft of the engine, should use "fixed point" to indicate. Converting unbalanced amounts to each crank are directly indicated. The general dynamic balancing machine does not have this performance. Therefore, should use the crankshaft special dynamic balancing machine.
2. The use of hard-supported or soft-supported dynamic balancing machine.
Selection of dynamic balancing machine should be based on the above table and a variety of different type’s dynamic balancing machine characteristics and calibration of the objectives.
3. How to consider dynamic balance machines, the "mass weight"
"Weight of the test piece" only characterizes the load carrying capacity of a balancing machine. When we are selecting a dynamic balancing machine, it is necessary to ensure that the weight of the work piece is not more than the "Max weight of the work piece" specified in the dynamic balancing machine specification. Although the balancing machine has been designed to take into account the safety factors, we don’t recommend overload.
4. How to consider dynamic balance machines, the "precision"
At present, basically the "minimum achievable residual unblance" for the dynamic balance is defined as the "precision", aka "the minimum eccentricity of the test rotor for a certain weight, the minimum seizure of the test function, and the minimum amount of the selected balancing machine.”
5. How to consider the "maximum diameter of work piece ", "the distance between the two bearing pedestals"
A. The maximum diameter of the work piece that is checked by the balancing machine. If the maximum diameter of the work piece is greater than the "maximum diameter of the carriages" given by the specification, the balancing machine will not work.
B. “the distance between the two bearing pedestals " means the range of the maximum distance and the minimum distance between the two supporting points of the work pieces allowed by the balancing machine, which is defined by the structure of the balancing machine. If you check the distances rotor between the actual two bearings is too tight, the dynamic balancing machine cannot work.
6. How to consider the speed of the balancing machine
General dynamic balancing machine has "fixed speed" and "step less" speed. The former indicates that the balancing machine can only be calibrated at a specified speed, for example, 300 rpm or 600 rpm. Someone think that the balance speed should be realized as the actual rotating speed of the rotors. So they always require high speed balancing machines. In fact, the rigid rotor, regardless of its actual working speed, or dynamic balance speed, are far below the critical speed of the rotor itself in dynamic balancing. Therefore, the "low speed" can ensure the dynamic balance
Accuracy requirements. The rotor in the actual working speed conditions can still be realized. If the speed is too high, the dynamic balancing machine in terms of starting power, operating time, lubrication and maintenance requirements, are higher than the low speed balancing machines.
7. Consider the drive power of the balancing machine
It must be calculated to determine whether the selected rotary balancing machine’s drive power is large enough. In some cases, for example, the calibration object is a blower, compressor, a fan with fans, the calculation should take into account the wind restriction and other factors. Dynamic balancing machines should take full account of the drive power limits.
8. How to consider the dynamic balancing machine "drive mode" and "support method"
Some of the rotor with the fan, in the rotation will produce axial thrust, for such a rotor, we should be used universal joint drive. There are some rotors, the appearance of irregular shape, we cannot use the belt drive, it should also use universal joint drive mode. For large quantities of the rotor, especially the shape of the relatively simple cylindrical rotor, the general use of belt drive is much more convenient. For large-scale rotor, starting torque is greater, the brake is more difficult to use the belt with the transmission. Under this circumstances we should be used to drive the universal joint.
9. How to consider the dynamic "indicated method"
It is only necessary to obtain the amplitude and phase of the unequal amount of the two plane to perform dynamic balance correction. Generally, a dynamic balancing machine is used to directly indicate the unbalance amount in the polar coordinate mode. 
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