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The "Belt & Road" Initiative, The Globalization of a Future, The opportunity of Us

Article Source: Jp Balancing Machine      Time:2017-05-24
On September 7, 2013, President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the University of Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan, and made a vision of jointly building the "Silk Road Economic Zone". On October 3 of the same year, Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the Indonesian parliament, proposed to jointly build the "21st century Maritime Silk Road." The two together constitute a "one by one" major initiative. Xi Jinping attaches great importance to "along the way", in a variety of major occasions repeatedly talked about.
The ancient Silk Road is a road of trade, it is a road of friendship in the Chinese nation and other ethnic friendly exchanges, and gradually formed a peaceful cooperation, open and inclusive But in the new historical conditions, we put forward the "one way along the road" initiative, is to inherit and carry forward the spirit of the Silk Road, the development of our country along with the development of the country together with the development of the spirit of the Silk Road, Up, the Chinese dream with the people along the dream of the people together, giving the ancient Silk Road to a new era of connotation.
"Along the way" runs through the Asia-Europe non-continent. One is active in the East Asian economic circle, one is the developed European economic circle, and the middle is a huge hinterland country. In this region, for the sake to carry out infrastructure and interconnection construction, promote international production and equipment manufacturing cooperation, improve trade and investment cooperation level, fit the development needs along the country and region, to promote economic globalization, improve global governance and promote common prosperity play an important role.
Chinese enterprises "going out" is not in order to catch fashion, but to quickly seize the development opportunities, the use of domestic and international markets, two resources to further expand and stronger, while targeting the international front, through capital operation, etc. to carry out cross-border investment mergers and acquisitions, To achieve the brand, technology, marketing and marketing network and other global integration, the rapid development and growth.


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