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Device For Turbocharger Balance

Article Source: Jp Balancing Machine      Time:2017-08-29
Turbocharger is a high-speed rotating machine. The reliability of the operation on high-speed turbocharger depends not only on the rationality of the structural design, the material of the part, the manufacture and assembly, the accuracy of the assembly and the good lubrication conditions, but a large extent, inferior. Usually the turbocharger rotor is composed of vortex impeller, spindle, compressor rotor and other parts. The turbine impeller, compressor impeller are made of precision casting from processing. As the composition of the impeller air flow channel is the non-processing surface, the blades between the thickness and unevenness, the rotor mass distribution, casting parts of the material and impeller machining eccentricity construct an unbalanced rotor. Therefore, for high-speed turbochargers, the rotor must be adjusted by the rotor dynamic balance, so that the actual operation of the turbocharger by the rotor imbalance caused by the support of the dynamic load reduced to the extent of tolerance, in order to ensure engagement in turbocharged Smooth and reliable working.



When using the turbocharger rotor balancing machine, the balance speed is generally set within a critical range of less than 5000 rpm, in order to be able to effectively obtain the rotor unbalance. When the balancing machine drives the rotor to measuring speed, the measurement steps will start automatically. The turbocharger rotor balancer has a number of measuring sensors that convert the analog quantity generated by the rotor motion into digital quantities for computer software analysis, resulting in objective rotor analysis reports. The report contains information on the rotors double-plane unbalance amount angle and mass adding or removal value.
We consider 3 points in the turbocharger rotor dynamic balance
1) Impeller and roulette are left with dynamic balance weight removal position. The removal position should be accuracy. The depth should be appropriate and keep the surface smooth, do not damage the strength of parts. Avoid slotting and drilling.
2) Unbalance amount should be than 0.003n.m after balance test.
3) After the rotor has been replaced, the parts must be reworked.
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