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The new fully automatic balancing machine operating system

Article Source: Jp Balancing Machine      Time:2017-08-22
JP800 dynamic balance test system is the latest development of JP balancing machines, a powerful high precision measurement system, a variety of single-sided and soft and hard support balance machine.
The balance software can output data through standard interface. The mainstream man-machine interface and PLC perfect fusion, can achieve a variety of personalized custom to meet the more features of the input and output.
System Features:
Fit touch screen operation
Multi - account management
Multi-language display
Intuitive interface, guided operation
Single, double, three-sided dynamic balance measurement
Rotor parameters
History record
Alarm information
Data printing
Remote Assistance
The new fully automatic balancing machine operating system "JP800"
1. Configuration
12-inch man-machine interface
2. Features
Touch screen operation
- Friendly man-machine interface, more convenient operation.
Multi-account management
- With [administrator], [maintenance], [operator] account and password
- can be based on different roles, the establishment of different accounts and passwords and permissions. Open the corresponding function, to facilitate the management of personnel and equipment.
Multilingual switching
- 8 languages to switch.
- Available in Chinese, English, Arabic, Portuguese, French, Thai, Spanish, Russian
Intuitive interface
- The measured value display is a combination of numbers and vector graphics, and the vector graphics can quickly look at the unequal magnitude and angular orientation.
- System parameters have information, including parameter definitions and setting range. Easy for users to quickly get started.
- Automatically determine whether the rotor qualified, there are color tips.
- Flexible and diversified calibration methods, the process also has guidance instructions, calibration interface specialization easier to maintain.
Single, double, three-sided dynamic balance measurement
- Measurement with double-sided dynamic balance, single-sided static balance and three-sided balance to choose from.
Rotor parameters
Recipe is stored and can be used in imperial units.
History record
There are a variety of ways to set the record selection, history can be exported and backup server and delete the function, and the default is administrator privileges.
Alarm information
- Equipment failure, all the alarm information can be viewed inside the alarm.
Data printing
- Can be connected to the user's server to print and backup, only the device IP address network segment and server network segment can also use the local printer for dynamic balance report printing (not recommended to use the local printer, because the printer is not fast support compatible ).
Remote Assistance
- as long as the transport function is opened, no matter where you in the country you only need to connect to the network equipment, our engineer can provide you with the Secretary to assist in troubleshooting services, providing real-time services.
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