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High quality——Jian Ping Turbocharger balancing machine

Article Source: Jp Balancing Machine      Time:2018-01-16
Time flies, unwittingly approaching the Spring Festival, people can not wait to rush home New Year, but some people do not want to board a crowded train or car, some people will be driving a private car home, and some rent for rent Car home.

A car consists of many components ,but the first part is the engine, can drive the car to run up. So how to make the car more power? Yes, with a turbocharger.

Turbocharger is actually an air compressor, through the compressed air to increase intake. It is the use of exhaust emissions from the engine inertial momentum to promote the turbine chamber turbine, turbine and co-axial impeller, the impeller pressure sent by the air filter pipe air, so that the pressure into the cylinder. When the engine speed increases, the exhaust emission speed and the turbine speed also increase simultaneously, the impeller to compress more air into the cylinder, the air pressure and density increase can burn more fuel, the corresponding increase in the amount of fuel and adjust the engine speed, You can increase the engine's output power.

High quality——Jian Ping Turbocharger balancing machine

JP Turbocharger balancing machine
1.Widely used in balancing turbocharger, turbocharger impellers,turbocharger compressors ,turbocharger turbines etc .
2.Auto-positioning bed,17inch LCD screen,large tool carriage structure
3.Dedicated soft bearing bracket,driven by Nylon belt ,with higher precision

Jp soft bearing turbocharger rotor balancing machine is used for any types of car turbocharger rotor  under 0.5 kg.Compared with other universal balancing machines, the turbocharger rotor balancing machines are less applicable, but they are highly targeted and of high quality. The use of roller support, soft bracket design, and a special fixture, it can be very fast clamping, while maintaining balancing accuracy and balancing efficiency With a good balancing machine, do the good  turbocharger, to ensure the car power.
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