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Safety Control In Balancing Machines Operation

Article Source: Jp Balancing Machine      Time:2017-07-25
The priority we think about balancing machines operation is the safety for operators. We simulate and test all the possible and potential danger in machine operation or risks occured during rotors rotation. The risk of rotating the rotor from the balancing machine can be divided into several different types and can be reduced by various measures. The usual hazards and precautions are listed below.
1. The end drive coupling is disengaged or damaged. In the case where the end of the universal coupling is still connected to the balancing machine or the rotating rotor, the free end is beaten around it. In the above case, in order to protect, usually in the universal coupling around there is a shell as a protective device.
2. The operator is involved in the belt drive. The usual guard is the belt cover mounted on the motor and the tension pulley. A more complete protective device is the whole cover.
3. Move the rotor axially away from the machine's support frame due to excessive axial movement caused by the deflection or clearance of the support roller. If the end drive coupling to prevent axial movement, this danger in the end of the transmission balancing machine generally does not occur. In the belt drive balancing machine, is to use axial thrust brakes to prevent axial movement.
4. The operator may be in contact with any part of the rotating rotor, such as a blade or other protruding member. This can be done with eye-catching baffles, fences or protective covers.
5. Due to excessive initial unbalance, or large mass transfer or separation during rotation, the rotor rises and is released from the open bearing of the balancing machine. This can be prevented by a safety bearing with a closed bearing or in the case of a support roller.
6. Small rotor particles, such as welded beads, bolts, keys or correction masses, are separated from the rotor during rotation. This danger can be reduced on a very small rotor with a safety glass or shield, and a protective shell on a large rotor.
7. Rotor components, such as blades, are separated from the rotor when rotated. Royal defense measures are similar.
8. During high-speed equilibration, the rotor breaks. Often with explosion-proof enclosure, pit or bunker to prevent this danger.
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